What to ask when interviewing wedding photographers

What to Ask When Interviewing Wedding Photographers

Finding the right photographer can be hard, but what do you even ask when interviewing a wedding photographer? How do you even know where to start? What do you look for? What do you ask them? What are the red flags? Well, hopefully I can help answer these questions.

The start of your search: How do I even know WHO is worth my time?

I want you to envision your day. Is it a grand adventure? Sweet and simple? A party that would rival New York City’s biggest club? That’s a GREAT starting place. YOUR VISION. That right there is the best place to start. Get on Pinterest, get on Instagram, save all the things. I have a love hate relationship with big daddy algorithm, BUT, it can also be one of the greatest assets you can have. The more posts you start to like and save, the more the algorithm is going to be like, *BING* “this is what you like, here, have some more of it.”

Your wedding venue recommendation list is also an amazing place to start. If you didn’t already know, you should start by booking your wedding venue FIRST, and then move on to your photographer as the second step. If you already trust your wedding venue enough to book with them, then it’s a very safe bet that their recommendation list of wedding vendors they have already worked with is also a trustworthy resource.

I also love a good google search, but I’d start with instagram to find your wedding photographer. Why? It’s all visual. It’s also a great tool for picking up on a photographer’s vibe as a human. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a thousand times more. Your wedding photographer is the ONE person who is with you on your wedding day, you should like them as a person. So. You see someone, you like their work, you like their vibe, and THEN you can start your research. Google for reviews and start seeing if they have any profiles on big name professional vendor sites like The Knot, Wedding Wire, Zola, etc. Once you like their work, and know they are a professional, you can start inquiring about their wedding photography services.

What questions should I ask when interviewing a potential wedding photographer?

Here are some GREAT questions to ask that will give you a LOT of answers in a very short amount of time. These are all questions I’ve been asked over the years and that I HAVEN’T been asked. On every consult call I go over everything with my clients that they maybe didn’t even know they needed to know! So while you’re asking your questions, ask yourself, is this wedding photographer serving as my guide? Or am I leading the charge? You want someone who knows what you want/need before you even know you need it. So while these questions are going to be VERY helpful to you, keep in mind that they are the professional. Leave some room for them to prove that to you.

Questions for before interviewing a wedding photographer:

Ask the wedding photographer to send you a FULL album from a RECENT wedding.

If a wedding photographer already has full albums on their website, make sure they are recent and from start to finish. If not, as mentioned, ask. I learned this lesson the hard way when trying to hire second shooters. Wedding photography websites will have the brightest, shiniest, most perfect, Pinterest worthy shots on their portfolio. However, keep in mind that this is the digital age and ANYONE can snap 1,000 photos and more than likely end up with at least one money shot. Asking for a full wedding album will give you peace of mind that they can deliver high-quality work from start to finish. I hired a second shooter who had a GORGEOUS website and portfolio and then was complete GARBAGE the day of the wedding. Had NO clue what she was doing. Another story for another blog post, but still, learn from my own mistake. Ask for the full gallery. If they can’t/won’t provide one, it’s a red flag and you should run.

What packages do you offer?

Alright, this is a hot take for sure, and many photographers handle this differently, and you’re going to feel your own way about it. So take this with a grain of salt. I am of the belief that you need to see SOME form of pricing before you even bother talking to a wedding photographer. Why? Because if they are way beyond your budget, don’t even bother. And when I say “WAY BEYOND” I mean “WAAAAAAAY BEYOND.” There is a huge difference between you being willing to spend a little bit more for the right photographer vs. someone just not even being an option. On their website, do they at least offer a price range or starting point you are comfortable with? If not, ask for it. Even just an average spend. SOMETHING. For my business, I have a starting price and average spend listed so my clients have a good idea of what they are getting into. Once they have inquired, I provide a full investment guide that breaks down expectations for pricing. Then on our call together I do a brief run down of their day and help them hone in on exactly what they really need. Not providing specific packaging upfront is not always a red flag. Most photographers need more information, and let’s be real, you do too! Again, your wedding photographer should be your GUIDE. They should be able to help you hone in on your desires, give you a realistic expectation for how many hours and bells and whistles you need, and by the end of the call should be able to provide you with a legit quote.

Ask this to yourself and find the answers in your research: Is this photographer providing me with a service or an experience?

If you want a service, you just want photos. Thank you very much, have a nice day. That’s all I want. Bare minimum. If you want an EXPERIENCE, you what a photographer dedicated to you, the importance of your day, and acts as a guide through this whole process. I’m partial to the latter. You need to know you are in good hands with someone who genuinely cares about your day and will deliver excellent results from start to finish.

Questions for your live, in person/video consultation with the wedding photographer:

Have you ever worked at my wedding venue or somewhere similar?

It’s not the end all be all for your photographer to have worked at your wedding venue before. If they are a professional, they will know what to do. There are some benefits for your photographer not to have been there before, as this could spark some creativity. Plus, as a wedding photographer myself, I always love new spaces to create in. However, it’s obviously a HUGE bonus if your wedding photographer has worked at your wedding venue before. Not just because they know the space, but because they will know the team. Vendors knowing other vendors can be a huge help with the ebb and flow of your wedding day. Assuming they get along, of course, haha! Which is why you can also start with your wedding venue’s vendor recommendation list. Almost all wedding venues have them. As mentioned above, what’s a better start to your search than a personal recommendation from someone you already trust?

How would you best describe your photography style?

Now, by this point, you’ve probably already gotten an idea of their style and have liked it enough to reach out. However, asking this question is a great way to see what level of professionalism the wedding photographer you are interviewing is at. They should have a clearcut answer for you. They know who they are. Their work is consistent. Plus, it also will help you learn more about them to make sure they are putting off the vibe you are going for.

Do you have business and liability insurance?

If they do not, or cannot guarantee they can provide proof of insurance (POI) for your wedding day, sorry, it’s a no. It’s just not worth the risk. Accidents happen, sickness happens, acts of God happens. This is a MUST for any wedding photographer. Not all wedding photographers carry year-round insurance. There are companies that professional wedding photographers can purchase day-of coverage. So there really are ZERO excuses for someone not having this.

How do you handle unexpected circumstances or emergencies, such as equipment failure or illness?

This goes hand-in-hand with the previous ask. This is also something that should be outlined IN WRITING. If it’s not in your contract, that’s a red flag. Protect yourself from being duped. I cannot tell you how many horror stories I have heard where the wedding photographer just seemed so great and so nice and so professional, and then just totally bailed on the client.

Do you reserve our date solely for us?

This is important, and likely not something you would ever think to ask. However, it’s definitely situational and you’ll be able to figure out if this matters for your specific circumstances or not. Depending on your wedding, it is possible that the wedding photographer will have other opportunities to book other clients and events. It’s definitely worth asking and having a discussion about if you’re having a smaller wedding or have a venue that requires your wedding photographer to travel. You will know what you are comfortable with.

Do you have backup equipment in case of technical issues?

This is HUGE. Professional photographers WILL. HAVE. BACKUP. Professional photographers know that things happen and will have backup. You don’t mess with someone’s wedding day. This is also something a second shooter can help with, but again, that’s a whole other blog post.

Do you edit your photos yourself?

You may not care about this. It’s extremely common for larger companies/bigger names to hire an editor. I 100% do during peak season. Having an editor can get you your wedding photos back even faster. It’s not a bad thing. However, the reason this question matters is if the photographer is using a trusted, consistent source. Having a photo editor on their team isn’t a bad thing, but are they shipping your images off to India where randomly selected people are doing the work? Again, you decide how you feel about that. The point is, is the work consistent. Are you going to be getting what you are seeing in their portfolio?

How long after the wedding will I receive my wedding photos?

An obvious question, but make sure it’s in writing. Again, sooooooo many horror stories about it taking MONTHS and YEARS (yes, you read that right, YEARS) to get wedding photos back, if at all! Set your expectations accordingly. I know several INCREDIBLE photographers who take months to get photos back to you because they are well known/high demand and edit the photos themselves. That ish takes TIME. It’s all about what you are comfortable with. Higher priced photographers will more than likely (but not always) have a better turn around time because they are able to devote more time to you and give you the best experience possible. Lower budget photographers usually have another full-time job to work around, or are taking on more clients to supplement their income. More clients, means more editing. When I first started out 10 years ago, it took me way longer to deliver photos for these reasons. Clients get put in a queue. So just because your photos were taken 2 weeks ago, doesn’t necessarily mean the photographer has even looked at them! Where I am at now in my business, I am able to provide my clients with a much faster turn around time, as quickly as 10 days and for sure no longer than 4 weeks during peak season. All because I’m not trying to fill my books with low budget weddings and working another full time job, trying to survive.

Are you a full time wedding photographer?

This goes right along with what I just said. If your wedding photographer is full time, they are dedicated to getting those photos back faster and providing you with an experience.

Can we request specific shots?

First of all, I’m not talking about the basics. The kiss, the dance, the speeches…if you have to ask for that, you’re hiring the wrong person, haha! But this question will let you know if there is balance between making sure your desires are heard, and also that you can trust your photographer with their craft. I’ve met a few snooty photographers in my day that are VERY my way or the highway. If you want someone with that level of…..”confidence”….go for it. However, you need to be heard too. I will stand up for photographers and say, don’t go crazy, haha. Pinterest is not reality and you should want your day to be YOUR day and you SHOULD trust your photographer to work their magic. However, I tell all of my clients, Pinterest is also Pinterest for a reason. We love some good inspo. Buuuuut, YOU should be the inspo, baby. *chef’s kiss

What is your cancellation/rescheduling policy?

An obvious questions so I don’t have much to say here. Just have realistic expectations, know what you’re getting into, and as always, make sure it’s in writing.

Do you require a retainer and is it refundable?

I have the same things to say about this as I do the previous question….can you tell I’m running out of steam to finish this blog post?

What is included in your pricing and are their any additional fees or taxes?

K, so, this comes with a BONUS question, the REAL secret sub question: Are the photos included in the final price? You heard me! The initial question is obvious so we are going to dive into the bonus question. Now, don’t go insulting this photographer, mkay? This might not be necessary to ask. BUT…read the room, listen carefully when talking to the photographer. Again, horror. Stories. I kid you not, there are legit….NO LIE….photographers that are charging you for the actually shooting…..and NOT your photographs. WHHHHHHHAAAATTTTTT?! YES. It’s. Crazy. How. Many. Photos. Are. Included? You would be shocked to find that many photographs give you a very small minimum or don’t include them at all. Is there at least a minimum guaranteed, a max, or an average they can provide? I will tell you, I personally, am all inclusive. Meaning, I just give you as many as I can. Not a lot of people do this. Every wedding day is so different that it’s hard to say how many final images you will get. But I can give you an average. Average wedding is about 100 photos per hour of shooting for my weddings, at MINIMUM. I can have an 8 hour day and deliver about 750 images. I can also have an 8 hour day and deliver 2,000. True story. It just depends on what’s going on, are people being active, do you have time set apart for photos, are guests crushing it on the dance floor or staying seated and chatting? You will know when talking to the photographer what they provide and what you are comfortable with receiving.

Finally, ask: What sets you apart from other wedding photographers, and why should we choose you for our special day?

Such a BOLD question, but listen for their heart. You are the interviewer. They are trying to sell you something. Let them prove themselves to you. Does their answer align with your heart, your vision, and you as a couple?

Alrightttttttt we did it! Yay! You now have a full set of solid questions that will give you a very well rounded idea if this wedding photographer is the right fit to partner with you on capturing one of the biggest days of your lives! And if you’ve loved all those little not-so-subtle nuggets I put in there about how I like to run my business, shoot me a message! Maybe I’m the one you’ve been looking for all along :).

-xoxo, Victoria

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